Friday, 30 May 2014


India is a nation of young people - out of a population of above 1.1 billion, 672 million people are in the age-group 15 to 59 years, - which is considered as the “working age population”. This young population should be deemed as an invaluable asset which if equipped with knowledge and skills, can contribute effectively to the development of the national as well as the global economy.

The vision is to realize India’s human resource potential to its fullest in the education sector, with equity and inclusion.

Various initiatives for Skill Development Projects are undertaken at the centre and state level. This in turn, help in development of unique skill sets among youth and enhance their employability. In parallel to same initiative state government of Arunachal Pradesh introduce a flagship program named as CHIEF MINISTER’S SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME.

This programme is aimed at improving employability of educated unemployed youth. Under this initiative, a Job Mela-cum-Skill Development Interview Rally was organized from 30th August to 1st September 2013 at Itanagar. This saw a total of 9012 candidates registering and 1598 candidates were selected and are currently undergoing training. This programme intends to provide employment to 6308 youths. The state government has embarked upon this ambitious skill development programme, particularly for matriculates and school and college drop outs. 

Encouraged by the response, Arunachal Pradesh government have also organized district level job fairs in order to reach out to remote locations to facilitate participation of youth from rural areas. This effort yielded good result and 4,931 youth have been selected by 23 Vocational Training Providers.

Such paradigm can bring youth to the threshold of excellent employment opportunity in future. A different and student specific strategies has to be incorporated by the government to make such novel programmes a success. It is the first of its kind of initiative in our country. Accordingly, a detailed programme has been chalked out to train about 8000 youths in the current financial year. This demonstrates the willingness of the state government to stand by its promises of empowering its youth.

These opportunities provided, would open varied dimensions to youth, within the boundaries of the State. The government of Arunachal Pradesh will also be benefited in reducing the migration from the state. 

In India, we believe that education is the key to the task of nation-building. It is also a well-accepted fact that providing the right knowledge and skills to the youth can ensure the overall national progress and economic growth. The Indian education system recognizes the role of education in instilling the values of secularism, egalitarianism, respect for democratic traditions and civil liberties and quest for justice. 

Arunachal have come up with an unprecedented and exemplary initiative to benefit youth of the state, something that nation could thrive upon if incorporated into policies at the Central Government as well. 

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