Aadil Mir, Itanagar, July 10: Continuing the series of his pre-budgetary conversations with various departments to prepare a strong, vibrant and people centric-budget for the state, Chief Minister Nabam Tuki had meetings with the departments of Industries, Skill Development, Water Resource and Mines and Mineral.
While directing departmental officers Tuki asked them to put efforts to operationalise the Industrial Growth Centre of Niglok-Ngorlung in East Siang District on an urgent basis. In order to address the power problem of the centre, he suggested to opt for solar power besides taking up the road repairing work connecting the Industrial Growth centre with concern department on precedence.
There is also need to modernize the existing infrastructure meant for promotion of industries in the state, he pointed while emphasizing that there is need to have a Mega Food Park with facilities like Collection Centre and Primary Processing Centre. Pilot Projects on Noval Food Processing Areas under Public Private Partnership, Food Testing Laboratory, SEZ, smart city development are few of the areas which needs to be taken up.
Nabam Tuki directed that under skill development, the mission of providing 1 Lakh jobs has to be fulfilled and the Department should take all action to achieve the same in time bound manner. Job Preference in State Govt. Department/ Organization for ITI Graduate, Livelihood School/Center (as in Sikkim) and Skill Development in Schools is some of the areas where the department can take action. He further emphasized that self employment must be given priority and labour also needs to be trained to improve their skills so that quality of work improves.
Chief Minister reviewed the execution of schemes and overall achievement of Industries and Skill Development & Employment Generation departments for the year 2013-14. Power-point presentation was made by Secretary Industries Dr. S.S. Ghonkrokta in presence of Ramesh Negi, Chief Secretary, Tajom Taloh, and Commissioner to CM, Tamio Tatak, Director Industries and Subu Tabin, Director Skill Development & Employment Generation.
The Secretary informed that in 2013-14, 27 new industrial units were registered by the Department, which involved capital investment of 3559.72 lakhs and gave employment to 489 persons. During 2013-14 the Department approved disbursement of subsidy to 7 food processing projects for Rs 270 Lakhs. State Level Empowered Committee on National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) has approved 38 Beneficiary's Project, amounting to Rs. 774.00 Lacs subsidy amount in two phases. Second phase disbursement is subject to receipt of Grant-in- Aid from the Government of India on following schemes : Technology Up gradation/Establishment/ Modernization of FPI, HRD, Promotional Activities, Modernization of Meat Shop & Cold Chain.
Factory and boiler cell enhanced its revenue from 2.89 lakhs (2012-13) to 11. 55 lakhs (2013-2014). Progress of projects like Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID) Centre, Bame, West Siang District under the Ministry of MSME, Establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Jote, Papumpare, Establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI)under NEC Sponsored Scheme, operationalisation of Industrial Growth Centre, Niglok-Ngorlung, East Siang district Under Ministry of Commerce & Industry were discussed. Under Skill Development, 30 Vocational Training Providers (VTP) were empanelled, while 22 VTPs have signed MoA with the State Government. The Implementation of Skill Development Mission in Arunachal Pradesh was started in the year 2008 and progress under the same is as follows:
With data inputs
from Agencies
Number of Candidate Trained Under MES through Govt
Number of Candidate Trained Under NEC Sponsored (FY
Number of Candidate Trained Under Short Term
Training Course for Women (Gender Budget)
Training of Urban BPL Under SJSRY (Sponsored by
DUDA, Roing)
Training of Youths at IIWS, Noida with 100%
Under SDI-MES Scheme
While reviewing the status of various projects undertaken by WRD, Chief Engneer (CE) Likar Angu informed that out of the available total irrigation potential, 0.92 Lakh hectare has been achieved including 1900 hectare in 2013-14. The earmarked central grant of Rs 60 Cr along with matching State share amount of Rs 6 Cr got released against Minor Irrigation under AIBP (accelerated irrigation benefit programme). Under CADWM (command area development and water management) programme through which irrigation potential created are brought under utilisation, an area of 900 hectare has been covered with financial investment of Rs 5.68 Cr. There exist utilization gap of 40% due to poor funding through AIBP (being 50:50 funding pattern), he said.
WRD in collaboration with NERIWALM, Tezpur has brought out a DPR costing Rs 86.62 Cr for Medium Irrigation project of Sille Remi area under East Siang district. This project envisages irrigation potential creation of 3700 hectares and shall be proposed for taking up during XIIth Plan. Under Flood Management Programme, 10 basin projects are ongoing which require Rs 118.47 Cr. The CE stressed that necessary intervention of the state government with the Center is required for enhancement of fund to expedite its completion in time as well as to take up more new schemes.
The Chief Minister suggested for exploring the possibility of augmenting TRT (Tai Race Tunnel) water for irrigation from the proposed hydropower projects. He advised that instead of taking up more new minor irrigation projects, the department should give priority on renovation and rejuvenation of completed projects to make the created assets functional.
He also suggested that innovative water conservation projects are to be identified and proposed for implementation especially in water stress districts like Tirap and Longding while calling for involvement of grassroots level PRI members for identification of needy and viable projects.
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